First to the Essential: our universe just the right values for physical forces and constants that allow him has to endure so long, so that life can arise. If the force of gravity a bit stronger, the universe would be in soon after the Big Bang collapsed. Had the strong and the weak interaction to another value, the nuclear reactions in stars would have been different. Without long-burning stars, there would be no heavy elements like carbon, and therefore no carbon-based life. The force of the Big Bang could not have been too large, for then the matter would fly apart meaningless without forming galaxies and solar systems. The list could go on long. Often "tolerate" these values and sizes not even variations in the percentage range. There is even physical constants, that "fine tuning" with 1 to 1 with 120 zeros indicated . This fragile house of cards balanced on physical Underlying forces and makes the world as we know them, and ourselves possible.
we climb down to a smaller scale: the Earth and the solar system. The solar system is a just the right distance from the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way: Would it be closer, we would be roasted by the gamma radiation from the center of the galaxy, and flying around other stars would muddle up the careers of our sun and planets, and they collided . bring The Earth is in exactly the right distance from the sun, so that the essential water does not freeze (Mars), but also does not evaporate (Venus). We have a nice moon on our side, to look not only beautiful , but also stabilizes the Earth's axis. Otherwise, we could experience all four seasons within a week - no environment that would be stable enough to bring forth life. Equally nice is the giant Jupiter, the asteroids and comets from outside that are potentially dangerous, with its crushing gravity traps and so is the cosmic vacuum cleaner. A completely comfortable environment so.
So now we are finally emerged in a human with real constants provided in a tailor-made universe and solar system. Now we can exercise our discretion and in accordance with our razor-sharp mind make us subdue the earth, right? No, not true. If we think that we "westerners" and families of the First World only because of our boundless ingenuity are technologically advanced so far, then we are wrong - but it is not our merit. By pure chance there was, in the Middle East just the right combination of domesticated plants and animals that brought our ancestors to agriculture. Only agriculture provides enough food that is surplus to build cities and "specialists" to feed, who are concerned about the wheel, writing, politics and the Nintendo Playstation. Only she provides us with resistance to bacteria of animal origin, that We then infected the indigenous peoples of the Americas, Africa and Australia and terribly decimated, without lifting a finger. Purely by chance, the Eurasia continent in the stretched length, while Africa and America, extending from north to south, so that was the siegverheißende agriculture here in about the same climatic zone from the Mediterranean to China to spread. Not for nothing are there, rather than in Siberia or the Amazon Delta developed the first civilizations. So if we now in the nice warm home loll and stare at the computer monitor, and not in the bush fry worms, it is solely because 13,000 years ago in Palestine The right shrubs overgrown and herumpupsten the right potential farm animals. Primitive peoples kannibalismusfrönende it would have in Europe today can give, as they still are in Africa.
And finally: the individual himself, the number of possible combinations of genes is so incredibly huge that the chance for all of us, as it is to come into the world, microscopically small. And yet I am here and you who read this, too. Richard Dawkins brings it to the point :
"The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton . We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA is massively Exceeds the set of actual people . In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. "
all blind convenient coincidence elemental forces happiness that we have people. I know it is hard to think of it when the car will not start, the boss sucks and enter the hemorrhoids no peace. But maybe now helps and a brief thought of it that we, no matter how we are the winners of the lottery giant of the universe.