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Decided? And if so - of free will? want to think
who have their own thoughts and decide on their own decisions come quickly into trouble. So the old question of "free will" of the people is much debated, but until now not been solved last authentic. The free will of the people were ready when it came despite the supposed goodness of the alleged God to explain the atrocities in the world, he was also regarded as an essential difference between the "divinely inspired" people and "stupid", instinct-driven animals . The latest findings in brain research shed some more light on the debate and may the hassle out of merely theoretical and abstract discussions of the last centuries, a little place on the earth.
to do something is the most natural thing in the world. (There is a fun to do a macabre way disease , really because of the people nothing more - and they do not interfere). However, there is first the surprising finding that our "will" is far less active than we think. Too many processes are automated, caused in part by quirky little things. Thus, John Bargh shown by the Yale University in an experiment that students who when age-related words like "wrinkles, gray, tired, sick," read, after it went slower than a comparison group. They set out to just read the attributes appropriated, without whose will also be aware in the slightest. People looked to by a poster (!) A pair of eyes, behaved unconsciously honest than usual, it was found in another attempt . Almost Charlie Chaplin-worthy the experiment , in man, during a cartoon show a pencil held horizontally with the mouth (ie like a smiley) the cartoon were funnier than those in which it like a lollipop forward stood out. People who put themselves into a professor in had performed better at Trivial Pursuit off than those who have a football hooligan hatten.Wir front of ourselves that is already in general much less under control than we think.
But when the man comes time to decide to be aware of, and the decision is "free" should be, this assumes, first, that it is subject to the decision not perceived by him constraints - are in it, everyone agrees. If he wants, he can lift the right finger - or the left. Commit a crime - or remain law abiding. Is that enough already for the adoption of free will? Or rather, the decision free from any restrictions yes causes, arise from a kind of autonomous, independent Black Box? Probably not - because the universe is subject to causal processes. A decision as an electrochemical process in the human brain must be strict causal criteria also. A 'decision' in which leaves the brain power "free will" the laws of physics and non-causal and therefore, as it randomly chooses, would be anything as my own. It would be a non-decision, one springing from the vacuum process, which I would watch in amazement. A decision is only "free" if it is through me (through my recent experiences, traits, current mood, etc.) reasons. Condition of freedom, so understood (or rather self-determination) is thus ironically determination.
interested Wen neurophysiology, dare a look at the circus in our skull. Firstly, there were the experiments of Benjamin Libet, who in the early eighties has shown that precede any conscious impulse Will unconscious brain activities in the tenth-second range. Awareness therefore not really take the decisions, but is the prior decisions only "informed" and formed into place, it would have even decided. Its not enough: 10 years later, Alvaro Pascual-Leone and colleagues clearly demonstrates that one can make people willing puppets. They generated magnetic fields in the area of the brain responsible for movement of the left or right side. Then they asked the subjects who knew nothing of all this, move the right or left finger, as they want to. Depending on the stimulation of moving subjects corresponding exactly to the magnetically treated brain finger. However, this worked only when - surprise, surprise - the stimulation of the decision was preceded by exactly the Libet measured by tenths of a second range. The subjects were, however - even after they have been informed of the magnetic fields - which adamantly convinced themselves and decided to have "free". Stimulation of various brain areas resulted in one subject in a further attempt to marry the experimenter "voluntarily" to do. Also in other experiments people were manipulated, without that they felt manipulated.
Eckart von Hirsch Hausen aptly put it - the awareness is not the government, rather it is the government spokesman, dress of the decisions already taken in beautiful words and must be represented to the outside. This also makes sense from the evolutionary point of view: an awareness that the unconscious is completely under control, no right to exist. Because the area of the brain responsible for consciousness (cerebral cortex or cortex), is to hundreds of millions of years later emerged as the primary, unconscious instinct-driven "reptilian brain". That the "newbie" like control of the whole "store" would assume - as in real life - not very likely.
And now? So we are all robots, dolls and bio-mechanisms? To some degree already. Our decisions are determined - even if we insane because of the complexity of the human brain can predict with certainty can never be. This makes But nothing - we have a will, we subjectively - would be free call - quite rightly. Allowing a person make a decision and then you rewind the clock back 100 times, there are good reasons to believe that he is 100 times choose exactly the same - in full awareness, to act freely. That's confusing, but still compatible with one another contradiction between the first and the third-person perspective. "While we can have to do what we want, but we can only do we want to necessarily because of our experience": to the great Schopenhauer easy to modify.
(See here on the effects of the missing Anders-action-ability of the criminal law)