It is the problem of fine-tuning of the natural food musicians. The universe as we know it is based on natural laws. This in turn contain certain constants - such as the strength of gravity, the mass of elementary particles or the number of dimensions in space. All these values together constitute a fragile balance that is exactly the space that has brought us people. Had only a few of these values by a few percent different, there would be no fusion, no sun fire, no carbon for the DNA and no chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, the has given us our dear H2O. Human life would be impossible for sure. The physicist Roger Penrose has calculated spaßenshalber that the probability that all the fundamental constants have exactly the value we know, 10 to 10 high is 123. There must have but one shot at the big bang at the controls and just given the right numbers, right? The universe seems literally to have been created for people, right? One can not but work at the World 10 high 10 high dice 123 times!
The argument is based on a difficult to spot fallacies of the "exclusive probability. One that provides all of us have ever been made, as we thought about an old friend, and just saw him at the moment on the road. "It's no accident!" think we more or less seriously in the moment and fall into the logical trap. Because the probability of when thinking of that person just to make that person is in fact very low. But chances to take when thinking of any person we know, this person is relatively high, as each of us 200 people readily determined person knows or has at least seen, continuously thinking and usually traveling in densely populated areas is. A chance to calculate backwards behind your back would be at each event to incredibly low result. Consider, for example, how many factors have contributed to the project's birth - and still is one of the world.
same fallacy was the ominous " Bible Code " basis, where you read the texts including the Genesis book on a tricky way (one about every fourth letter read, etc.) and in the "Code" Predictions of the murder of Yitzhak Rabin and claims to have found the fight against bin Laden. Even this seemingly incredible result can be easily explained: If, after any looking combination of letters and then calculated the probability of randomly discovered, one comes to grandiose but meaningless probability numbers. Consequently, inventors have the same method found in the Bible, including the statement "There is no God . What probably is the probability of this is? ..
And one should also the problem of fine tuning think the fundamental constants: Unbeknownst to narrow this fact among the possible results of probability theory to a world in which we live, and to a life form that we know, especially the carbon-based DNA-/RNA-gestützte. No one has said, however, that this is the only possible form of life in general. May arise in the universe altered starting positions without stars and water, it may even exist only 1000 years, we lack Just the imagination to imagine what others with similar life forms we can not give it then. The argument is based therefore on the large of the Carl Sagan correctly titled " carbon chauvinism . Life as we know it is the result of the predetermined constants, and not vice versa. If you think that the universe is the human "adapted" has been, subject to the typical size illusion of religious people - and is therefore through the back door the advance what he wants to prove through fine-tuning of the constants of nature - the existence of God. In this sense the argument is ultimately just a circular argument.