If we leave on our Earth, then we should get in about five years Miliarden a good sunscreen. For then shall the sun due to changes in nuclear fusion processes to "red Giant inflate swallow , Mercury and Venus and the Earth will fry. With evaporated oceans and surface temperatures over 1000 degrees can survive difficult.
shocking? No, not yet. So far it is that is does not come. Just two billion years before it will prevail by a capital collision between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy ( here an animation). you can fly at the time pretty much each other. stars will collide, gravitational waves shatter the space-time, the career of the sun and distort planet and plunge the Earth into either the sun or move away from the sun, so they of flying asteroid collisions and other waste can be taken.
fire, fire everywhere - what about the ice? Well, then we have to wait real end of the world - the end of the whole universe. The mysterious "dark energy" that preceded whips the expansion of the universe ever, suggests the conclusion that it will expand more and more and more. At the end there is the Kältetod . The last stars are extinguished, the atoms fall apart, a dark, empty, infinite gauge on the absolute zero (-273 ° C) to meet us yawn. So the world ends in the ice. But until then, we still have a lot of time at each other weapons of mass destruction to slaughter, to pollute the earth beyond endurance and succumbing to new generations of viruses. So let's enjoy the happy prospect!
Oh - the next date of would-be prophets of doom for the expected end of the world currently is the year 2012 . Gaudeamus igitur!
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