In Paradise, knows every decent Islamic fanatics are waiting for a 72 jihadists willing young women for the purpose of successive or simultaneous making love. The text of Sura 56 describes all sorts of delights for the brave warrior of faith, including wine, meat in abundance - and "houris with nice big eyes like pearls well-protected as a reward for their good deeds" (see here ). Huris are brought to interpret the celebrated young women who are 33 years old, (now peeing, sleeping, shoes) no period or other human needs and whose virginity is renewed after every act at all times. Many scholars go further and dream of the wonderful physical attributes of the Huris.
Das zum Beispiel ist ein Video-Ausschnitt aus einer Predigt, in der der saudische Imam etwa Folgendes vorschwärmt (Übersetzung aus dem Arabischen): "...What hair! What a chest! What a mouth! What cheeks! What a figure! What breasts! What thighs! What legs! What whiteness! What softness! Without any creams – no Nivea [!!!], no vaseline. ... There is no god but Allah. He told us that if you entered one of the palaces, you would find ten black-eyed virgins sprawled on musk cushions. ... When they see you, they will get up and run to you. .... When they get hold of you, they will push you onto your back, on the musk cushions. Allah Akbar! ... One of them would place her mouth on yours and do what ever you want. Another one would press her cheek against yours, yet another would press her chest against yours, and the others would await their turn ... "
Another cleric, Al-Suyuti (d. 1505), went further in his Sex Fantasies (quoting here): "Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected Neversoft. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas. "
Too early gesabbert, gentlemen! Apart from the fact that this idea does not make much sense (what about female martyrs, how can a torn into pieces the suicide bomber reached still get something erection like that? If one then also 72 mothers * horror *?), It seems now as if the dream of 72 playmates get a painful shock. A German philologist and Semitic Studies, who performs under the pseudonym Christoph Luxenberg ", wrote a book in 2000 in which he proposes a new reading of the Koran. He believes the former lingua franca in the area was not Arabic, but Syrian a Absprengsel of Aramaic, which today only Mindeheiten is spoken. If you read the Koran but in part to Syriac, then connect amazing things to light - including Luxenberg's exegesis shows that the word "hur" in Syriac means nothing other than "white grapes."
This adds both well in the overall context of Sura 56 (the aforementioned "well-guarded pearls" fit much better grapes than to women), and has the whole idea of paradise simple originate in a garden (see altira severally " pairidaeza " - park, garden, enclosure). Since fit sex orgies not know. In addition, the just promised elsewhere, that they along with their earthly wives and houris "in the shadow on carpets" will relax. The "time" remarks only relish: "A place to meet the wives and maidens each other deserves the name is hardly paradise."
Luxenberg's book, scholars from Princeton to have taken to Beirut with interest and approval, has moved many moderate Muslims to think. I will, however, until the new translation will be refuted, for the time being continue to buy my fruit at the supermarket.
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