First, the horse they know: The fact that people perceive something without it "see" aware for some time is certain. People with a disorder of the visual area in the brain are de facto can blind, but because the eye still works perfectly, guess pretty good, coming from the direction that the light flash. Whether a can unconsciously influence for fractions of a second on a screen faded image a person is in dispute, which has the presidential campaign of George W. Bush in 2000 but not discouraged, in a campaign spot in this way, the Democrats no longer visually perceptible as " Council (rats) to call (shot so).
is much more interesting the last until the years the focus of research shifted property of the people not to see things that are in front of him. Great things. In good light. Without hassle. Welcome to the magic cabinet of visual perception!
It starts with the fact that no one who is staring at himself in the mirror in the eyes, the notice to any other obvious movement of their own eyes. Yes, they are always in motion and never stand still. Man, this tremor the eyes do not notice (try it out:), because the eye can see in the movement itself is nothing, because the image is blurred as in a camera. So there a picture at the end of the movement . And then the eyes are closed, yes. The movement is rationalized away from the visual impression also. It's kind of eerie to know that you do not see anything in the mirror, what everyone else who has your eyes look at it is obvious.
But that was only the prelude, the fugue's coming. The brain is in fact always confronted with a problem: it should be from the flood of signals, which it can filter out the most important and constantly create space for new sensations. And so it is often fatal - the visual perception is ridiculous trifles brought completely confused. One shows a man a picture and immediately afterwards the same photo with a significant change, he acknowledges that most immediately. But not when comes between the images for 100 milliseconds, a bare gray area instead of the photo. Here is an example. I bet you did not notice the difference between the photos. Although he - Indian word of honor! - pretty is striking. The reason: If the first image disappears and the gray spot is, the brain thinks: "Aha, the picture is gone, so I delete the appropriate memory, so a bit of room free will. "And if it reappears in modified form, the brain has forgotten the details of the first image long ago and has nothing to compare.
And if you, dear reader, look at something, you have indeed a field of about . 180 degrees, but believe not know that you are all that is there, really see. As I said, filter the brain, otherwise there is a data deluge. Professor Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois, who has a flair for the absurd showed subjects a video , in which several people threw a ball. Subjects were asked to count the number of throws. suddenly appeared among the players right in the picture a gorilla, pounded his chest and disappeared. 50% of the subjects have not noticed the gorilla. Too busy they were counting. Imagine the times can melt in your mouth: You have something not directly staring and seen.
Daniel Simons, however, had more sense of humor, and went on: In an experiment shown here noticed two thirds of the passers, was that the person with whom they spoke, was replaced in the course of conversation with another. The person they had originally asked for directions, after a brief distraction that did not last longer than a second and suddenly someone was completely different from the passers-by. This other person was dressed differently, had a different voice and was also different in size. Nevertheless, the passers-by the "new" party declared on the way to draw without the slightest suspicion.
So you can actually look directly at something without seeing it - and that just because something more important three inches right or left for the brain with its limited processing capacity ( here is another good example). And if you think you could thus pass a nonsense, then I highly recommend the following card trick-follow - to the end! Meanwhile, I go back to my magic world in which one occasionally sees a gorilla standing in front of you.
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