Lechers men, women housewives more.
This is our starting point and because feminists can still so very upset: The sexes are now sometimes provided with a congenital asymmetry : females are by definition those who have larger and more complex reproductive cells. Males are "the others", which fertilize the female. The female does not want to waste the precious resources for the "expensive" eggs, thus selects its partners very carefully and also takes care of fertilization to the delivery of child rearing, nutrition, care, etc. The male is as much easy-going, because its sex cells are cheap in the making: It just has a healthy female "convincing" to let him to fertilize. Or more females. Actually, as many females as they come. So are - even for the people - men tend to be informers and lechers and women - well, let's say, do not lose his head slightly. Not for nothing that the female element was associated since time immemorial with stability and traction ("Mother Earth", the Latin "mater" in the word "matter"), while the masculine, such as wind and breath was to be located in the sky ("Our Father in Heaven, "" the Holy Spirit "etc.). Alfred Kinsey put it in the other hand, experimental prose Sun: "Cheese crumbs spread not in front of copulating rats will distract the female but the male.
Walking upright is the source of love
No, Jesus is not the source of love, but the erect posture of man. He caused namely a narrow pelvis, because the essence not otherwise can walk upright. A narrow pelvis, in turn an early date of birth, because of the growing (with men relatively large) head through does not fit otherwise. Therefore, the human child is really too early to the world. A baby chimpanzee can For example, relatively soon to the mummy cling and crawl. A human child is, however, the first few years, a defenseless screaming lump of flesh. A mother alone it can not provide, or at least not as good as mother and father together. How to tie but the father who wants to really attract the successful fertilization process further (see above), to the mother? - Aha - love! This assumption also fits the findings that most pair separations - done after about four years ago, saw evolutionary if the child can walk and talk already and and not so helpless is - as it were the low point of love. From the time the male Genverbreitungswahrscheinlichkeit by further fertilization higher than other time-and resource investments in the existing child.
Men seeking beauty, women Status
Yet another seemingly sexist statement - and again one that's right. Because beauty is for health and fertility (see here ) - and status is available for existing resources within the social hierarchy of society. Thus both sexes primary interests are satisfied. A nice burger seller is therefore - experimentally demonstrated - not for women as attractive as a carrier of ugly chic suits. Conversely, women tend to be the more sexual partners, the less attractive they find themselves (proof here) - where they have to for lack of beauty does not a great chance qualitative partners promise to try it stop with the crowd.
And again, these preferences can hide behind the most idealistic feelings - after all, our genes tell us what we feel at the sight of the intended one or the other.
men and women have good reason to fling
So, now have come together man and woman. But wait - you can so increase chances of survival for their offspring continue to improve. And both men in that they find the "legal" children, further evidence for occasional liaisons left and right. Even if these new offspring can not look so intense, maybe it makes the number. 10 illegitimate children, 2 survive, perhaps. And this is better than no infidelity and "only" have legitimate children. The cost of an escapade are so low, the yield may be worth it. Cool math.
The women are not better. For them, it pays to find a caring family man who is willing to invest years of his life in the offspring, and then to have an affair with a genetically better equipped man of whom they obtained the hereditary healthier for the child. The child must then educate the horned caring father. So she has the best of both worlds. Here too cool mathematics.
monogamy prevents civil wars
monogamy - that is to assign a woman to a man - is ultimately a social pacification measure. Polygamous societies (which was always the man several wives and not vice versa), there were some for ages. However, such a polygamous society from a genetic point of view of good and bad women for men. Women can share a healthy and wealthy man who contributes to the good genes and provides the next generation. The women, such a (in all respects) potent man "too much" is missing but the "lower" end of the social hierarchy of men. Ie, polygamy means that there are many frustrated young woman without men. And such men, therefore, be more aggressive and restless - it is nothing to lose - and oppose the "upper", the "monopolized" the women have among themselves. So what brings unrest in society, so monogamous societies do better in the long run. Monogamy is thus a means of restraining the male underclass. The victims are the women, because in addition to the withdrawal of the benefits of polygamy (see above), they are also subjected to draconian measures against the risk of side jump, such as headscarves, female genital circumcision, domestic violence etc.. The main thing, the woman at the reproductive prevent other, so that one's own time and resources are not wasted on children of other men. One has only one woman getting allocated and will have that under control. Women sacrifice so in that respect, to bring peace in the society. A thank you at this point to all the brave women!
it, then we get after all the revelations deep breath and sing:
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