Gorleben everyone knows. Other Castor transports provoke little demos. In the Lubmin could Pomerania Baltic Sea coast this will change now. BY MARTIN KAUL
Everything is so beautiful here in Lubmin. The coastal cliffs, picturesque pine forests, the fine-grained sand, the gentle waves. Lubmin is always worth a visit. For apart from noise, stress and hassle, untouched by mass tourism offers comfortable hotels and cozy guesthouses their guests. And very near a nuclear waste interim storage, which is still hardly ever discovered. Lubmin. Why only few people interested in the most isolated nuclear waste dump in Germany?
Whenever a castor anrollte here - Germany has overslept. In 2001, the date before last nuclear waste to Lubmin transported, was hardly something happened. anrollte When in 2007 the reactor pressure vessel from the former East German nuclear power plant in Rheinsberg demonstrated, only 160 people.
could grow But now the protest in Lubmin first time there is also radiation waste stored is not from the GDR. End of this week is to become of the sleepy pensioners home in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern a target for political action Travel in style. Anti-nuclear activists like Felix Leipold expected on Saturday by 13 clock several thousand people at a demonstration in Greifswald - and in the days following sit-ins and creative actions against the for the 15th and 16 December advised Castor transport to the aboveground Interim Storage Lubmin.
After the big event in Wendland, have demonstrated a month ago, where up to 50,000 people against the Castor transport, to discover the community protest the Barrens. For close to the seaside resort slumbers one of the largest nuclear waste dump in Germany.
65 Castor-filled containers are currently parked there until a permanent disposal site is found for them. And this can take time. With the December delivery from the French Cadarache Castor with four other nuclear fuel are expected from West German institutions. Early next year in five other Lubmin Castor from the Research Karlsruhe arrive. This is called atomic soup. This is a radioactive solution, which was converted for transport and storage in glass beads.
Bernd Ebeling know what's atomic soup. He is one of the pioneers of protest Lubmin. The 44-year-old water engineer from the West German Uelzen 2001 was already there. And in 2007 again. At that time they came to the fourth came from the Wendland. Today, the activists sent from there a whole bus with protesters on the trip. They support the Ostprotest with personnel, infrastructure and donations. For the rest of the Republic are a further 15 coaches.
Because at the end of the movement's most Protest years of the German nuclear opposition that has occurred, what activist Jochen Stay is called the "Heiligendamm" effect: Although the main protagonists of the anti-nuclear movement is all ready - but the protests go on without them. After the nationwide demonstration in Berlin in September and the mammoth protests of Gorleben, the activities have become independent of many local groups. In more than 40 German cities have now walks Monday against nuclear power. "Three months ago I would have said.. After Lubmin 200 people come today, we expect thousands It is a dynamic for which we had not expected it," says Stay.
it follows in Lubmin - inspired by an unprecedented wave of anti-nuclear - the first time the opportunity perceived by the protests against the local intermediate storage nationwide to be. Felix Leipold, spokesman for the initiative Lubmin nothing there, "assumes, that remain in the coming week hundreds of opponents of nuclear power in order to populate the area around Lubmin the Castor transport with protest.
Axel Vogt does not find this funny. The honorary mayor of Lubmin has ascended hard guns and will in future act against those who claim further, the intermediate camp at Lubmin belong to Lubmin.
Only in November resolved his "To take legal action against media outlets and individuals in the public interest, provided that is not reported correctly by the Interim Storage North and the removal of a roll-call link with the coastal resort of Lubmin" community representation. Previously his congregation lived very well from the ugly colossus: Marriage Lubmin a synonym of a storage facility was to operate on the same site one of only two nuclear sites in the GDR.
the time this was a job guarantee and the Cold War, a symbol of progressive communism. Long nuclear reactors are shut down, what remains is the DDR-waste, supplemented by the atomic soup. Besides the railways, coastal cliff, Pine forests, the fine-grained sand. And the gentle waves.
The date: The next Castor transport of nuclear waste is to roll into the north German Lubmin. On Saturday, 11 December, by 13 clock so call anti-nuclear initiatives at a central demonstration in Greifswald. In subsequent days, they want to do with sit-ins and creative actions against the Castor transport, 15, from the opponents of nuclear power December is expected.
The interim storage: It is located on the site of a former East German nuclear power plant. In the halls are currently 65 Castor mounted, 4 coming in December to five expected Early 2011. According to the government-owned operator, the power plants north, then should no longer come into the camp Castor, 80 fit.
Source: http://www.taz.de/
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