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Lüchow-Dannenberg, 8 February 2011
Dear Mr. Minister!
We are pleased that you accept the invitation of the District Council to Lüchow-Dannenberg. But why did you come only now, after the federal government has taken all the decisions?
We in Lüchow-Dannenberg with you and your government has one of the biggest problems to speak of humanity: over highly radioactive nuclear waste that emits deadly for millennia.
Since 30 years we are committed to talks, as citizens, local politicians and committed critic. In countless rounds of civil nuclear energy dialogue to the Forum repository dialog. We constantly have a dialogue with politicians, group tours and scientists looking for.
But they offer us only a "dialogue", "to accompany the work in Gorleben" he shall. While there, the equipment already creating facts en. On your behalf.
Such a dialogue can be nothing more than an alibi event, which will decorate the way for enforcement of a nuclear waste storage facility in Gorleben only. A way has been opened in 1977, and has proven to be dangerous impasse. This way we will not.
Mr. Federal Environment Minister, We want an open and transparent debate on the nuclear waste problem. In all of Germany. No apparent regional dialogue.
has the serious accident of the nuclear waste repository in salt rock aces Unfortunately we were right and refuted all the experts of the nuclear power advocates within a short time.
What you are saying.
you, Mr. Minister, saying: "We have to cross the trenches and into the conversation and ensure that no further trenches."
do What do you.
instead of the Asse-disaster consequences to move, your government without any tears Not new trenches on - especially in Gorleben.
- extend the life of nuclear power plants and thereby make itself the final disposal of highly radioactive waste by 500 Castor containers.
- arrange immediate enforcement by the ongoing construction of a disposal facility in Gorleben on, despite all the shortcomings of the geological salt dome, and thus the line of those "experts" continue to have to answer for even the disaster in the aces.
- They try to frame an old business plan from 1982 to evade the force today in the mining law required public participation.
- change the Atomic Energy Act in order to expropriate land owners over the Gorleben salt dome.
- you long ago, a safety analysis for a repository Gorleben have been commissioned - with "experts" who aces the disaster and the distractions Gorleben have to answer for a decisive way.
How do you do after this political round nuclear envelope in the style of the 1980s "serious and honest" yes "outcome" to talk about Gorleben?
How should the result be reminded of them "mutual respect" and "trusting dialogue" when you only with legal tricks the public shut out and then speak of "maximum transparency"?
Gorleben is not Stuttgart21
Dr. Röttgen, a nuclear waste repository is not a train station! We reject a mediation process à la Stuttgart21 with a "dialogue officers" from.
The missing overburden of the salt dome, the Wasserwegsamkeiten the existing bases and gas inclusions wegmoderieren can not change. The politically motivated site selection, the continuous adjustment of the safety criteria to the geology found defects in the salt dome and the non-participation of the public in the last 30 years can not wegverhandeln!
We see the end of the Gorleben site as a precondition for the rebirth of a responsible approach to the unresolved nuclear issue. You, Dr. Röttgen say, the citizens of the district Lüchow-Dannenberg had "a right that has been unsolved for decades to Gorleben site you will be answered at last." We say: All citizens in Germany have a right to have this incorrect decision is finally resolved.
you, Mr. Minister said: "Safety is our uncompromising in the very first say stop "
. A starts first and foremost on security-oriented approach with the end of nuclear production and earliest possible phase-out of nuclear power.
We are ready to share our experiences and our knowledge of the failed project in Gorleben bring in a new national nuclear debate. It can only be properly and adequately address the problem of nuclear waste if it meets certain conditions:
- All the decisions have been made since the repository preparations arbitrarily in Germany must Host rock, retrievability, eschewing any systematic comparative search for a repository at several locations, security requirements, and more: reviewed in the present state of science and technology and be re-evaluated.
- The work of the committees of inquiry for aces and Gorleben must be completed. available only when the reports and findings and decision of the committees are clearly understood, they can provide the necessary contribution to the foundations for the way forward with the nuclear waste problem. In a first step, all records for final disposal from all relevant ministries, research institutions and companies relentlessly to publish.
- Given the shocking scandal of the repository aces, which was operated as a prototype for the repository in Gorleben, we believe it is essential that the competence and credibility of the parties to bear the aces and Gorleben responsibility to review. Those responsible must be rendered criminally and civilly accountable.
- The recommendations of the Working Group for a final repository site selection have been formulated before the discovery of the accident at the nuclear waste repository aces. They need to be reviewed on the basis of the results of points 1-3.
- The instruments and rules of a national Debate on dealing with nuclear waste will be determined jointly between the government, parliaments and citizens in a transparent manner.
Minister, raise the immediate enforcement of the continued construction of the repository in Gorleben!
Take back the expropriation laws against land owners! Do not talk of responsibility - to act responsibly!
Gorleben IS LIFE!
Lüchow-Dannenberg, 8 February 2011
Jürgen Schulz District of Lüchow-Dannenberg (Independent)
Martin Donat Deputy District Administrator, Chairman of the nuclear facilities, emergency and public safety (GLW)
Klaus-Peter Dehde Group Chairman SPD in district council
Wolfgang Wiegreffe Group Chairman UWG in district council mayor of Trebel
Kurt Herzog Group Chairman GLW district council member of the Parliament (The Left)
Elke Mundy Group Chairman Bündnis'90 / The Greens in the county council
Boris Freiherr von dem Bussche Group Chairman FDP in the district council
Asta von Oppen Legal Assistance Group Gorleben Rural Emergency Association Lüchow-Dannenberg
Kerstin Rudek Citizens' Environmental Initiative Lüchow-Dannenberg
Rudi Sproessel DGB National Association of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt district group Lüchow-Dannenberg
Martin Schulz Arbeitsgemeinschaft. Peasant agriculture Lüchow-Dannenberg
Eckart Kruger BUND Lüchow-Dannenberg
Dorothy Helm NABU Lüchow-Dannenberg
Jochen Stay broadcast.
Rebecca Harms President of the Greens in the European Parliament
Johanna Voss Member of Parliament (The Left)
Andrea Schröder-Ehlers Member of Parliament (SPD)
Miriam Staudte Bündnis'90 Greens parliamentary group constituency "Elbe" (Lüneburg / Lüchow-Dannenberg)
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