I remember because of the removed from here following story about an experiment (where unfortunately only in Russian, so free translation by me). .
"Four monkeys sitting in a cage from the cage ceiling is - delicious, but unattainable -.. A bunch of bananas in the corner is a head after a while, the monkeys get the idea that the ladder under the banana could push the same climb. The boldest of them ventured the first attempt and climb the ladder towards the sweet fruit. But before he reached it, he will by the experimenter, who, unbeknownst to the monkey is on the alert, from a hose doused with icy water jet, and by the way the other three monkeys from getting what. Tumult, shouting. As the beam ends and the monkeys come halfway up, she take after a while, courage, and another's trying again - with the same wet-cold "success" for him and all. Then there is a monkey overlapping consensus - the bananas are taboo!
is now embarked on a wet monkey from the cage, and a dry, put into it unsuspecting. He is astonished about the delicious banana not been touched and begins to climb the ladder, but stop! - The other three long-suffering want to avoid another shower and beat the brave one, so that he desist from his stupid idea. This means only station - since when one may have to eat any more bananas? - But it fits. Apparently it is the custom here. Another Monkey first generation is replaced. When does the second new dry monkey to the bananas, he is from the two ends remained wet and beaten also the first dry without the first dry even know why you have to beat. Well, deduced the second newcomer razor sharp, well here it is tradition that we polish anyone who reaches for the banana, the face.
is After two further substitutions are now no monkey of the first, wet generation more in the cage - but go to fisticuffs on to each Bananengrapscher, even though the experimenter has squashed with the tube long ago and in the monkey with a coffee observed by the hand of the page.
created their tradition. "
apes - and humans - seem to be so eager to follow the rules of society that once rehearsed practice so long on" autopilot "is running until it is disproved obvious. Unfortunately, this happened not only with spinach or bananas, but at a much more important things. Even under memes are an evolution with the survival of the Er successful - but not always the right one. Therefore, the age-old recipe for a remedy, the belief in a religious revelation, the conventional wisdom about the creation of the world, etc. is often worth nothing - either they were from the beginning of complete nonsense or have become obsolete with time. Was it earlier, perhaps even justifiable, not to eat the dirt rolling as bacteria and trichinentriefende pigs, this prohibition is due to the advanced understanding of the origins of diseases and better methods of preparation completely unnecessary. Was it advantageous because of rampant sexually transmitted diseases and primitive methods of contraception that a bride was a virgin in marriage, today there are really no more reason to see it that way. Considering the fact that today's graduates on average far more than they used to know about the world of the smartest thinkers, critical questioning of traditional knowledge has become more important. Not for nothing is one of the here proposed new ten commandments: "Question everything".
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