This gave Randi the incentive to make it his life's mission to debunk charlatans, quacks and frauds who claim to possess psychic powers, and earn good money with this tale. With the help of an unknown donor, he established a foundation, the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF ). The Foundation has only one purpose - that of immediately pay $ 1,000,000, which can demonstrate under controlled conditions before and jointly agreed a paranormal ability or a psychic phenomenon. The money is there, anyone can apply. Together is discussed beforehand, and each contract determines what the outcome should be considered as "success."
The fact that been going around the "1.Mio. Dollar Challenge" in the circles a lot, apply several people a week, and has still won since its founding in 1996, not one gives a critical spirit . think What have not signed up for because figures : aura-seer, diviner, People who talk with spirits of the dead read, thought, or transferred to someone who claimed to have invented a device for keeping the horrors of a measure in the near future in boiling water to throwing chicken ice cream, or a lady, people qua can bring spiritual force allegedly to pee in your pants (video of her failed attempt at a demonstration here ). No one had a chance. This is the exorcist Randi not closed or ruthless - the rules of the experiment to determine the candidates together with him.
One can not deal with "I need his million did not, I know I can's" excuses. Because first you can the money if it itself does not need to donate sick children or starving Africans. And second would be a controlled demonstration of such phenomena in such an archaic paradigm of modern science, as it has not been perhaps since Galileo, Bohr and Einstein. to deny the humanity of this knowledge and this progress is selfish and amoral.
it moves us out of this experience that is a conclusion on - there is simply no supernatural phenomena. No intangible world, no ghosts, no healing vibrations, no telepathy, telekinesis, no. The world is hopeless mechanically. Thoughts are merely electrical currents in the brain, who with other aura see, you should quickly on suspicion of a brain injury to the doctor, and stunning power, every fan can experience the supernatural, moreover, by itself misses an uppercut. Anyone who claims otherwise, may register for the controlled test - or "shut up", as they say on another occasion. breast enlargement by laying on of hands folded not yet. What a pity!
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