The person is more a myth. No one knows if they ever existed. According to tradition it was a very special man who could do all sorts of miracles. He disappeared, but promised to return and usher in a new era in which all will live happily with each other and no one will miss something. He had spent several disciples who knew him, including one particularly zealous missionary was, is and has been around much convinced many people, the new religion, whose distinctive mark a cross join. The teachings of the Prophet included about the commandment to be kind to one another to follow customs that held together the community, and all material things, especially money, to attach any great significance. In the beginning was the fresh beliefs suppressed by the former occupying power - the new leader of the cult were arrested, in jail plugged and harassed. The religion survived, and flourishes to this day so much more away, in constant expectation of the return of the Messiah, but whose spirit dwells among us and pray as long as the can.
Well guess? - Jesus? Far from it! He speaks of the holy John Frum of the island of Tanna in the Melanesian island nation of Vanuatu. The " Jo (h) n Frum (From) - movement" was in the 40s of last century, when American soldiers came in droves to the islands in order to establish military bases in the war against Japan. The natives were on the capabilities of the new arrivals so excited - especially the fact that suddenly out of the air cargo giant arrived from food, tools, weapons, medicines and other goods (cargo) by air. The only apparent unusual activities which were going about the white people, but just sitting in the control tower with headphones, the waving signal flags at the airstrip and the rolling paper in the office. Since none of these activities immediately produced the desired goods, the natives concluded that there were magical acts that required the gods to get out of the air, out of nowhere to drop cargo. The Melanesians tried to imitate the actions of whites - it did not. Irgenwas they had to have done wrong. As the soldiers War, withdrew incurred, various "cargo cults " of which the most successful of the John Frum is attributed. Evil to him who thinks of soldiers who introduced himself as "John from America". Whether it's a John or more were, at least melted together from the whole story by the end of a mythical figure who as described above is revered .
The "John Frum - Religion is a minor cult on islands at the end of the world who are interested in any. But what if it would have been a more powerful state, which would have the faith then established as the state religion and spread it out? Would we then perhaps all "Frumisten"? And if so, what would be the difference in content to Christianity, Islam, etc., except that the prophets and the saints were called differently? One thing is clear: Who is a man who has a bad temper and needs a bit of confirmation you should get a ticket to Tanna, 15 February (the John Frum Day) get onto the plane and introduce himself as John Frum, holding in his hand a few New Year's Eve fireworks. Then the day is immediately saved. "Air New Zealand " already flies from 1300 €.
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