If babies are born, they are in a state of shock. Instead is a dark warm liquid all-inclusive hotels are light and smells and screams (usually their own) and cold. The right to life begins so stressful. Yes, because if one could look right first time ... And there starts the problem: Newborns do not see much. Perhaps we remember the first time because the eyes have been built in the course of evolution rather nonsensical. Not only is the wrong image on the retina around arrives. Not only does the light before it hits the photoreceptors, by no fewer than six cell layers including blood vessels must pass our "raw image" so clouded and streaked with red threads. No, the poor Infant has to have such bad eyesight that there would be no single driving license test: it is short-sighted and only see up to a distance of a mother's outstretched arm (more so it must not be seen). Its not enough, he can also not distinguish between colors and has extreme focusing problems , so that the image is blurred and without details. Furthermore, a newborn is suffering under severe astigmatism , so the picture just at the edges distorted is. In short, the baby looks really beautiful ... Lecht. It must also see the other's not good because his mom does the rest improve Moreover, the visual defects within months to the normality of.
But how does a baby because then the mother's face? In the light of the above visual defects, the psychologist Frederick Malmstrom a photo of a normal woman like this has worked:

Oblong colorless face with prominent eyes, high forehead, long nose and no facial and skin details - it does not fit the typical image of Alien similar? Malmstrom draws the interesting conclusion that the - mostly obtained under hypnosis - images of aliens in our brains unconsciously stored "model image" of a person present, that helps us seen after the birth of our mother as such. Whether the simmt, further studies will be reserved. However, it is a bit weird that the man who looks like our closest, warmest and most intimate, is for us shortly after birth as a monster. So because of the Oedipus complex ...
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